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ATRIUM Route best practice: Spinadello: from abandonment to participatory regeneration, a small building becomes the engine of a territory

European Route of Ceramics best practice: Utilizing state-preference based valuation methods for cultural heritage management

European Routes of Jewish Heritage best practice: Frescoes project for Dampierre Ramerupt and Lhuitre, North Aube, France

European Routes of Charles V best practice: Historical Reenactments in the Routes of Charles V

Citizen participation and strengthening of citizenship. Strategic approach to engagement. Working with stakeholders

Case Study: Local Community and the cultural routes of Council of Europe: IES Jaranda

European Year of Youth 2022. The role of young people in citizen’s initiatives

Citizens’ involvement and sustainable development


European Routes of Charles V best practice: The Spanish Cultural Routes

European Route of Ceramics best practice: Cultural management in Boleslawiec during Covid-19 pandemic and Cultural and Sustainable Tourism Products

ATRIUM Route best practice: EXATR: A public-private management model for the regeneration of a XX century disused bus depot

European Routes of Jewish Heritage best practice: Interpretation and management of local cultural heritage. The case of “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Center in Lublin

Accessibility and inclusivity in the field of culture and heritage

What does it mean, today, to preserve memory?

Case Study: 48h Open House Barcelona

Case Study: the Patronat Call Girona and development of cultural and touristic offer


European Routes of Charles V best practice: Imperial Kitchens

European Route of Ceramics best practice: Ceramics – stories and experiences around culture

European Routes of Jewish Heritage best practice: Venice experience: The Cultural Strategy and Activities run by Coop Culture

ATRIUM Route best practice: The HI-Story Telling of dissonance co-designing and educational tourist product of schools with youngster

Case Study: The Mulino Scodellino


ATRIUM Route Pilot Action: Digital Access to the Heritage

European Route of the Ceramics Pilot Action: Mapping Tools for a Digital Journey

European Routes of Jewish Heritage Pilot Action: The Jewish Path of the Caucasus

European Routes of Emperor Charles V Pilot Action: Meeting Point

European Routes of Emperor Charles V Pilot Action: App -Women walking on the routes of Charles V


European Routes of Charles V best practice: Historical maps of the Spanish Routes of Charles V

European Routes of Ceramics best practice: Ceramics in the Open Air

ATRIUM Route best practice: Building a territorial network for development of scientific popular and promotional contents through the sources

Archives of the Historical Institute of Resistance and Contemporary Age of Forlì Cesena ISTORECO

Tools for the organisation of documentary archive of the Route

Case study: Museo Interreligioso di Bertinoro

Case Study: The Zoli Archives

Case Study: A Bridge to Europe at national Library of Israel: Archive and Library collections & public engagement

Case Study: Alfred Lewin Foundation

Case studies: the ATRIUM website

WalkEur: WP2 activities and report

Case studies: Archives of the Memory of the residents of Forlì